Sabtu, 18 Juli 2009

Last informations » Career

1: Big Mistakes Job Seekers Commit
Mistakes happen, and even the best person has made faux-pas. After all, humans learn by experience, so a few errors helps us be better people in the end. One moment in your life that you don't want to be in a learning curve is when you're out looking for a job - a mistake during an interview or on your resume can cost you the chance of applying for a position you really want.

2: Adult Dyslexia: Working With It
Adult dyslexia is a condition, not a life-threatening illness. It is time to put things in perspective because it becomes more crippling when it's not dealt with truthfully.

3: Healthcare Jobs Are Growing Fastest
With an aging population and new innovations in medical diagnosis and treatment, healthcare jobs are growing faster than in any other field.

4: Dispenser Jobs Require Rigorous Training
Dispenser jobs involve correctly dispensing medication and medical products. In addition to medicine dispensers, specialist dispensers dispense hearing aids, ophthalmic items and so on.

5: Scientific Jobs Are Not For Scientists Alone
Scientific jobs usually involve some research. The jobholder would have specialized training and experience in a field, and the ability to draw on it to conduct field or laboratory research.

6: Tips to Help Balance Career and Family
Whether you are male or female, a mom or a dad, balancing career and family can be really difficult. When you're a woman, though, the choices you have to make seem especially difficult and the responsibilities all the more great.

7: Nursing: A Wide Range Of Employment
As the shortage is alarming, positions needs to be occupied. Nurses work in a variety of settings ranging from the hospital to outpatient clinics, emergency rooms, community health centers, visiting nurse agencies, schools, work places, nursing homes, and the military. Just about anywhere!

8: Job Search Pitfalls to Avoid
When people have a goal in mind or want to find something, there's one simple process that needs to be carried out - that of actively going after or searching for that prize. The search for a great job is no different, and while mass communication makes job hunting easier, there's still a lengthy process involved when you're trying to find the job you want. Here are a few tips and pointers that will help you on your journey to employment.

9: Landing A Position As A Head Of Development
The area of research and development in the UK automotive industry is critical for most companies. There are a few major international companies that already have established names which allow them to relax their development efforts a bit.

10: Improving Yourself As A Purchasing Manager
In the automotive world, purchasing management is becoming an increasingly complex job. Purchasing management essentially deals with the corporate buying of all products used by a company, from office supplies to warehouses.

Jumat, 17 Juli 2009

Improving Yourself As A Purchasing Manager

In the automotive world, purchasing management is becoming an increasingly complex job. Purchasing management essentially deals with the corporate buying of all products used by a company, from office supplies to warehouses. As automotive companies expand and set up factories and warehouses on the international scene, purchasing managers have to work with other managers by phone or Internet to co-ordinate purchasing down to the smallest detail. After all, the automotive industry requires that close attention be paid to profit margins and budgets. As such, the purchasing manager position in the UK and around the world is becoming tougher for new professionals.

However, purchasing managers needs to realise that there are simple ways to improve their daily lives and exceed expectations. The key for any purchasing manager is not to lose the forest for the trees, or the company pens for the corporate budget. Purchasing managers who focus on every aspect of their job and improve on those aspects little by little will find themselves better able to handle the stresses of their job.

One way to improve as a purchasing manager is to take a few additional minutes each day to review industry and corporate news. Purchasing managers, like other management professionals in automotive firms, need to be aware of the direction of their company and the strength of the competition. By reviewing press releases, analysis, and news, purchasing managers are better informed on how their decisions will influence the firm.

Purchasing managers should also schedule a short meeting daily with their buyers and other professionals. While purchasing professionals have plenty of meetings with outside vendors and others within the firm, an informal stand up meeting can create a better sense of teamwork. As well, these informal sessions can keep everyone updated on what the office is doing as a whole to improve the corporate lifestyle of their employer.

Finally, purchasing managers in the automotive field need to be able to speak in different manners with diverse groups. A manager may have a meeting with shareholders in the morning, a lunch meeting with a vendor, and an afternoon meeting with company executives. All three groups require a different approach and a purchasing manager needs to learn these approaches in order to succeed. The best advice that can be given to a purchasing manager is to listen carefully to what different groups have to say and research their needs prior to meetings. By demonstrating interest and concern for their needs, a purchasing manager can become more successful and make their firm more successful as a result.

Landing A Position As A Head Of Development

The area of research and development in the UK automotive industry is critical for most companies. There are a few major international companies that already have established names which allow them to relax their development efforts a bit. However, most small and medium sized automotive companies need a strong development team to create vehicles that are on the cutting edge. The person responsible for initiating the conceptual and technical side of development, the head of development, is crucial to the success of automotive firms.

The question for many auto development professionals is how to achieve a position as a head of development. After all, most development heads have decades of experience in the automotive industry and have worked through the ranks to land their job. However, there are opportunities for experienced development professionals to cross over from one company to another in order to head up a new development department or take over for a retiring head. Nonetheless, there are few advertisements in the newspaper or online for heads of development with a major automotive firm.

Experienced professionals unknowingly have the first ingredient toward finding a development head position. Many development professionals attend conferences and work with many colleagues during their years in the automotive industry. Development workers need to utilise these connections in order to find out information about potential positions opening up throughout the industry. A development worker may have a former colleague who works at another auto firm. This colleague may know about an opening that may be coming up for their company’s head of development position. This type of informal network is necessary for ascension into management positions in the automotive industry.

A second resource for development job hunters looking for the head spot are executive recruiting firms. Throughout the United Kingdom, there are firms that focus on management and executive level positions in a variety of industries. These firms can help a potential development head promote their candidacy to various companies while helping them refine their skills for the series of interviews necessary to land the job.

Development professionals in the automotive field need to set themselves up early for upper management positions. Executive hiring committees look for a willingness to lead, creativity, knowledge of the industry, and a commitment to creating a great product. Professionals who cultivate a reputation and become known as a leader in the development field can write their ticket to the development head position of their choice.

About the Author:
Richard Taylor Edwards is the Managing Director of Talisman Executive, a specialist recruitment agency for construction careers and construction jobs in the UK and Europe. For more visit and

Job Search Pitfalls to Avoid

When people have a goal in mind or want to find something, there's one simple process that needs to be carried out - that of actively going after or searching for that prize. The search for a great job is no different, and while mass communication makes job hunting easier, there's still a lengthy process involved when you're trying to find the job you want. Here are a few tips and pointers that will help you on your journey to employment.

Are you wondering why you still haven't landed a job? More than likely you have made the same mistake as most other people, which is that you are searching through only one source. Don't look at only the local newspaper; broaden your search to other sources. Also, by keeping track of where you have submitted your application from the beginning, you can circumvent the difficulty of managing multiple sources and avoid duplicate submissions.

As always, an excellent source for current job listings is the newspaper. Newspapers can also be found on the Internet as well as many other job listing sites. When searching online, try to scan several sites to expand your chances. Don't underestimate the ability of networking. Friends may know of a place that is seeking new employees, but also consider asking a former coworker or even previous employers. Often, they can give you a lead on a job that's open. To start networking, it is suggested that you expand your search horizons. It is imperative that you commit to allow time for an in-depth search, despite your busy schedule, since the results will be rewarding.

It can sometimes take a fair bit of time before you do find employment, and you may have to send out many applications or go through a few interviews before landing a job. You'll need to make sure you stay motivated to stick with your search, as most people end up giving in to frustrations and quitting the hunt. Certainly, if you do stop looking for employment, you'll never gain a job, so you should find ways of making sure you continue looking, by giving yourself small rewards or by applying some guilt to yourself. Any method that keeps you on the hunt and far away from discouragement is the right one to choose.

Just remember, it's not really a "job search" if you aren't actually searching. It's never really easy to find a good job, even now with the availability of the Internet. It is necessary for you to devote a great deal of time and effort to it rather than just waiting for something to appear out of the blue. If you are lucky enough to have that sort of luck come your way, then jump on it. Otherwise, you have to go out there and find opportunities rather than wait for them to find you.

The last thing to make sure you do during your search for employment is to research your field of profession thoroughly and take an in-depth look at companies you apply to. You may find that the industry you want to work in is saturated in your region, which will tell you to find a different spin on what you can do and expand your horizons, or you may find that an attractive company really isn't that pretty, once you find out their history. To be successful in your search for employment, be persistent and knowledgeable, always on the lookout for information that will help you land that perfect job.

Nursing: A Wide Range Of Employment

Nurses are growing demand but there is lacking for supply which is indeed a global threat. Many lives of people are at risk! Many health and care works are needed to be done but there are only few nurses serving the people with their skills. Then as the necessity is increasing but the supply is only minimal – nursing offers profitability when chosen as a course.

There are many nursing duties and positions vacant for those healthcare organizations seek for solution especially to provide numerous nurses to fill the shortage. As the shortage is alarming, positions needs to be occupied. Nurses work in a variety of settings ranging from the hospital to outpatient clinics, emergency rooms, community health centers, visiting nurse agencies, schools, work places, nursing homes, and the military. Just about anywhere!

Last May 2006, the estimated average annual income for registered nurses in the U.S. was ,710 and the average hourly wage was .71. Aside from that, many hospitals provide signing bonuses and offer generous continuing education benefits for nurses who want to continue their education beyond the associate and bachelor degrees. In addition to that, attractive salaries, bonuses, and job security are also proposed for the advantage of nurses.

Nurses work in a variety of roles—staff nurses, nurse practitioners, nurse anesthetists, clinical specialists, nurse researchers, nurse educators, nurse midwives, nurse managers, and also as health educator. Military opportunities for nurses exist in most nations with active militaries.

With endless job opportunities, variety in settings and roles, flexibility in work schedules, and many options for advanced education, you are always learning and growing. There is never a dull moment as a nurse! Most important of all—you are making a difference in the lives of others.

The nursing field remains a lucrative one for new hires and for nurses looking to advance within the field. The field of nursing provides tremendous opportunities for anyone interested in making a difference in the health care field. Nurses today are in high demand and can help reap the benefits of great pay coupled with career satisfaction.

In the modern world, there are a large number of specialties within nursing. Nurses work in a variety of roles—staff nurses, nurse practitioners, nurse anesthetists, clinical specialists, nurse researchers, nurse educators, nurse midwives, nurse managers, and also as health educator. Military opportunities for nurses exist in most nations with active militaries. Just about anywhere!

Recruiting enough people, and the right people, is an ongoing challenge in healthcare. To keep your organization effectively staffed in both the short and long term, you'll need to do some creative recruiting, improve your systems and processes and maybe even make some changes to your organization's culture.

We have also provided a comprehensive guide for you to establish you own nursing business / agency. Starting a nursing agency is not just a familiar business opportunity but also a societal help to minimize the nursing shortage. The guide is composed of simple strategies and system that is known and proven to help you establish the business and make it prosper.

Tips to Help Balance Career and Family

Whether you are male or female, a mom or a dad, balancing career and family can be really difficult. When you're a woman, though, the choices you have to make seem especially difficult and the responsibilities all the more great. For some reason, women are guilt-ridden with their career decisions and the choices they make about working while trying to raise their children, providing nutritious meals for their family, keeping a respectable house and keeping their husbands happy. Last on the list, of course, is finding some time for themselves. So how does a woman find time to actually feel happy with her daily activities while keeping up with all of the responsibility?

First, take time to smell the roses! Literally, you can take time to smell the roses but you can actually do this with no flowers in sight. Every day, try to look around and appreciate what you have, taking in the sounds of your child's laughter, the wag of your dog's tail, the special glance of your husband as you tell a funny joke. Sometimes, the knowledge of what you have on your plate for the day will feel overwhelming, but a little perspective goes a long way. It may be a cliché and a very tired phrase, but it truly does work. People tend to get lost in the mundane, day-to-day "functioning" instead of really living their lives. For example, next time you are worried about fitting in your exercise with your child's play date at Little Gym, forego the Little Gym and head out with your son or daughter for a run. Strap the little one in the jog stroller or if he or she is old enough, ask them to put on the running shoes with Mommy and head outside! Once outside, you can literally stop to smell the roses. Just a few minutes of gratitude a day will work wonders for your soul and automatically make your life feel more balanced.

Along these same lines, try and give yourself some "me" time once a week. Once a week may not seem like much, but if you really allow yourself to soak it in and enjoy the time spent, it will make the stress of all of the rest of the hectic days melt away. Take a good block of time on a Saturday or Sunday - 2 hours, maybe - and mark this time in your calendar in pen, not pencil. Keep a standing appointment with yourself, and honor it as you would any other. Think you are too busy on a weekend to do this? You will feel much more productive the rest of the weekend allowing yourself this little ‘refresher', rather than trying to cram some time in on a random Tuesday or other weeknight. For this special time, you can book a massage or a facial at your favorite spa. Take a couple of hours to go window shopping at your favorites stores, by yourself or with a friend. Take in a matinee with a couple of girlfriends. If your husband is willing to fly solo on a Saturday night, you can even book a girls' night out once in a while and truly let loose! Even if your budget doesn't allow for these activities once a week, you can lock yourself in the bathroom with a good book, a bubble bath and a nice glass of wine and feel good about your time alone - you deserve some!

Probably the most obvious way to balance career and family is to incorporate your family into what would otherwise be "work time". If you have a short commute to work, for example, perhaps you can drive your kids to school each morning instead of having them take the bus. In the alternative, you could have your morning cup of coffee at the bus stop with them and spend a few minutes chatting about their day and what they plan to learn in school as you sip your cup of Joe and breathe in the morning air to mentally prepare for your own day ahead. If you normally exercise in the morning and leave the house very early, switch your workout time to lunch and leave the office to go to the gym, eating at your desk when you get back. You will have more time with your family each day and get a healthy break from your pile of papers to boot.

You may need to get a little creative with your schedule, but there are definitely ways to help balance career and family. Sometimes an extra few minutes each day or a once-weekly good block of time can go a long way in helping restore your peace of mind and help you feel less harried.

Scientific Jobs Are Not For Scientists Alone

Scientific jobs usually involve some research. The jobholder would have specialized training and experience in a field, and the ability to draw on it to conduct field or laboratory research. For example, a clinical research assistant working for a clinical research organization can be required to go out into the field and record the findings of clinical trials for medical devices or medication.

In such cases, in addition to knowledge in the field of science, the job holder will also have to be familiar with research methodology to ensure adherence to quality research practices, so that the research findings will be acceptable to practitioners in the relevant field.

Furthermore, the jobholder might also be required to keep track of the costs of the research, which require some administrative experience. Scientific jobs could thus involve much more than doing theoretical research in a laboratory.

Roles of Career Scientists

We saw in the previous section that even when research is involved, scientific jobs could involve administrative and quality control roles. Many scientific jobs might not involve research as such. Instead, it might involve applying the jobholder's knowledge to do practical work. For example, physicians apply their knowledge of healing science primarily to cure sick patients rather do research with medication.

Another example is the clinical psychologist engaged in providing clinical and forensic psychology service to patients, and advice and consultation to non-psychologist colleagues in the medical profession.

A forensic toxicology expert might be primarily involved in providing testimony in courts about the effect of alcohol on human body and driving skills, and explaining the significance of the results of a defendant's breath and blood tests. Such a function requires the application of professional knowledge and experience in the relevant scientific field.

Environmental health practitioners might have to be community workers and change agents in addition to their roles of identifying and preventing environmental health problems. Possessing knowledge alone might not help them provide valuable services in their field. They will have to work with an environmental health team to create awareness about environmental health issues among the community, and show how the locality can be made a better place to live and work.

Scientific jobs can also involve working in areas other than the primary scientific field of the jobholder. For example, a healthcare specialist with Information Technology experience might be employed to develop clinical information models. They might have to do requirements studies to develop the kind of clinical information models that clinicians need. The requirements study in this case is more IT work than clinical work.

Another example is a specialist who works in the sales and marketing department helping the department explain product benefits and other technical aspects to prospective clients, or for creating product literature. Many specialists might be attracted by commercial work, and can use their specialist know-how, say in wound care, in marketing wound care products effectively.

Then there is the science teacher who is engaged in developing the scientists of tomorrow. The teacher must be able to create an enthusiasm for the field among students in addition to teaching them science.

Scientific jobs thus involve being more than just scientists. In fact few scientific jobs require you to be a scientist these days.

Dispenser Jobs Require Rigorous Training

Dispenser jobs involve correctly dispensing medication and medical products. In addition to medicine dispensers, specialist dispensers dispense hearing aids, ophthalmic items and so on. Different kinds of training are needed for different kinds of dispensers. NVQ 2 vocational qualification is a typical requirement for pharmaceutical dispensers, for example.

Pharmacy Dispensers

Pharmacy dispensers dispense both over-the-counter and prescription medicines. Because wrong medicines or wrong dosages can have serious consequences, these dispensers have to undergo vocational training in relevant pharmacy topics. In addition to dispensing medicines, pharmacy dispensers would typically have to:
Advise customers on symptoms and products
Assemble prescribed items, appropriate containers and labels on receipt of a prescription
Receive and store pharmaceutical products
Mix medical preparations

Naturally, they need specialized training that will help them discharge these functions correctly under the supervision of a pharmacist. National Vocational Training (NVQ) certification of level 2 in pharmacy is a typical qualification demanded of pharmacy dispensers.

New pharmacy counter assistants will have to join such a course soon after accepting a dispensing job and complete the course within a prescribed period. Existing dispensers, whose competence has been attested by their employer, are exempt from this requirement.

The training program will help the trainees understand the legal and professional issues involved in dispensing medicines, including packing and labeling. For example, they will learn when and how to use childproof containers. The trainees will also be given exercises in selecting items and dispensing against prescriptions. There would typically be a project that involves the trainees selecting a large number of items in a dispensing enviroment without error. Then will come a period of probation when their performance will be observed. Licensing to work as a pharmacy dispenser will come only after this kind of rigorous training.

Even after initial licensing, they will need to be reassessed every two years or so to continue to work as pharmacy dispensers. Many developments are taking place in the field of pharmacy medicines and the dispensers would be expected to show that they are keeping up with the developments through a continuing education program.

Ophthalmic Dispensers

Ophthalmic dispenser trainees need to be taught how to use various ophthalmic equipment correctly and interpret the results. They also must learn how to assess the thickness of a lens, locate and determine its axis and perform other lens-related tasks. Frame-related topics such as determining frame size, temple length and bridge style are other topics the trainee has to master.

Finally, the trainee must learn how to fit the patient with the right lens and frames, and do required adjustments for best vision and comfort.

Hearing Aid Dispensers

Hearing dispensers test the degree and type of hearing loss, and help patients select the right hearing aid for them. The dispensers have to interpret the results provided by hearing assessment equipment, and to be familiar with hearing aid electronics and specifications. They will also have to carry out required modifications and programming to fit the aid to the hearing loss.

Hearing aid dispensers have to get trained under a licensed hearing aid dispenser, and can then sit for competency assessment examinations.

As we can see above, all kinds of dispenser jobs require specialized training and internship

Healthcare Jobs Are Growing Fastest

With an aging population and new innovations in medical diagnosis and treatment, healthcare jobs are growing faster than in any other field. An aging population needs more health services while healthcare innovations increase the use of medications and the demand for treatment facilities.

Even though healthcare provides job opportunities both to health services professionals and others such as accountants, personnel officers, buyers, computer programmers and food service personnel, the emphasis in this article is on health services professionals.

Health Services Professionals

Health services require both professionals with advanced training and technicians with different kinds of operational skills. We look at the range of healthcare jobs in this market. This is more an indicative list rather than an exhaustive one.
Physicians, dentists, chiropractors, optometrists and veterinarians are professionals who require varying levels of training
Technologists and technicians in clinical laboratory, EEG, EKG, nuclear medicine, radiology and surgical work
Health technicians like dental hygienists, dispensing opticians and emergency medicine technicians
Dieticians and nutritionists, occupational, physical, recreational and respiratory therapists and speech pathologists
Pharmacists and pharmacy technicians
Registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, nursing aides and psychiatric aides
Home care nurse, health aides, medical assistants and social workers
Medical billing specialist, coding specialist, patient account representative and insurance claims/reimbursement specialists
Medical records technicians
Medical transcriptionists

As would be immediately evident, the field is quite extensive, and could extend further with new innovations in diagnosis and treatment.

Healthcare Jobs Information Resources

Each of the healthcare jobs requires specialized training, certification and licensing. Being a matter of life and death, unlicensed practitioners are not allowed to work in healthcare fields. Licenses are granted by different states in the USA, and each state has its own licensing regulations.

There are many sources for information on healthcare jobs.

The US Department of Labor publishes projected demands for different kinds of labor. Similar projections might be published by the healthcare industry also. These projections can help you select a healthcare job that is in line with your inclinations and also promises a growing demand.

Then there are numerous career centers, on the ground and on the Web, which will provide you information about each job. You can get information on:
What the job involves. A description of the work that the job involves.
Qualifications needed to be hired, and details of education and training needed to acquire the qualifications
Training institutions and admissions procedure
The formalities regarding certifications and licensing, such as the need for internship
Career progression paths indicating the potential for growth in job satisfaction and earnings
Current earnings levels in each healthcare job
Associations of healthcare professionals and technicians

These career centers also interview persons engaged in each occupation and publish the interview details. These published interviews portray life in each profession, the kind of satisfaction it can provide, and give you a more realistic picture of what to expect if you choose it.

Adult Dyslexia: Working With It

Adult dyslexia is a condition, not a life-threatening illness. It is time to put things in perspective because it becomes more crippling when it's not dealt with truthfully.

This isn't a handicap of the intellect, even if you may have challenges in spelling and reading. It's a condition of the neuroses that have to be properly diagnosed to get the necessary help at school or at work.

If you have dyslexia, you can help yourself by changing the way you perceive the disorder in terms of your personal life, job, and dreams. Being aware of the condition from an informed standpoint renders it simpler for you to get help.

Dyslexia At Work

Some common symptoms of adult dyslexia are these behaviors:

* Challenge in speech recognition
* Challenge in following talks that are detailed
* Abysmal reading comprehension
* Numbers such as 69 and 96 are mixed up
* Challenge in spelling
* Memory is short-term or considerably poor
* Concentration is poor

Adult dyslexics who aren't privy that they have the disorder typically try to conceal their challenges for fear of repercussions. They can come to terms with their condition, however, with the proper screening. Furthermore, the office can also provide the required support to help dyslexics work.

Calculating numbers, writing, and reading are a few tasks that dyslexics attempt to steer clear of. They also suffer from low self-esteem. When diagnosed correctly, though, dyslexics prove to be intelligent and shine in creative activities.

Studying With Dyslexia

College pupils who are dyslexic are common. Diagnosed with the condition, they're provided with the help needed to cope with the demands of university life. There is no need, though, to send dyslexic students to special schools that cater to persons afflicted with serious mental handicaps.

With the grants available for dyslexic students, they are overcoming struggles and learning to cope and improve focus by utilizing techniques in note-taking and computers.

The belief that dyslexics can't finish college has been dispelled a hundred times by students like Albert Einstein, Pierre Curie, and George Patton. These people were gifted with dyslexia, excelled in their studies, and offered their outstanding contributions to the world.

How To Deal

You can focus on your creative abilities if you are aware of your struggles. This way, you become useful, routing your efforts elsewhere.

Explain that you're capable of doing a good job, even if you learn in a different way. At the office, make maximum use of the computer. Have it do the spelling and reading for you.

It is a matter of being honest about the disorder with one's self and with others. For your co-workers and you, life will be a lot simpler. It will be easier to deal with dyslexia, as well.

Big Mistakes Job Seekers Commit

Mistakes happen, and even the best person has made faux-pas. After all, humans learn by experience, so a few errors helps us be better people in the end. One moment in your life that you don't want to be in a learning curve is when you're out looking for a job - a mistake during an interview or on your resume can cost you the chance of applying for a position you really want.

Never assume that simply applying for a job is enough. Because of mass communication and Internet resources, employers receive a record number of applications for every job. Sadly, employers even have to sort through many false applications sent in only to fulfill welfare programs. So it's important to let them know your application is a genuine application and that you want the job.

Employers have to carry out a lengthy screening process whenever they fill a position, so it is important to show your interest in the job by making contact with the employer through telephone, email, or, best of all, a personal meeting. Personal contact shows your genuine interest in the job available.

One major mistake many people make is lying about a past job if you left on bad terms. Potential employers seem to have a sixth sense about experiences that you glossed over or were dishonest about, so it's best to try and put a positive spin on resume blemishes. Show that you've learned something from the experience or play up important parts of the past job rather than trying to cover up a bitter relationship.

It is best to find a traditional way of phrasing your strengths, as buzzwords can be confusing. Another thing to avoid is the use of words that are too logistic and lack spark, which is the opposite of using too many overly hip or trendy words. You should keep these same rules in mind when writing cover letters also.

Strive to achieve a balance of professionalism and ease of reading when you write. Try to balance friendliness with professionalism when writing your resume or cover letter. Avoid using slang or buzzwords and focus on using appropriate tone, because the right tone will get results.

There are many more mistakes people tend to make when searching for a job or attending an interview meeting. Some of the worst errors are eating during an interview or making crude jokes about someone's race or gender. Of course, there are many small, subtle mistakes people make when job seeking as well, and those are often unconscious. So if you want an extensive list of what not to do when trying to land a job, look up the information on the internet.

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